Known by word-of-mouth for sometime as the place for reasonably priced glasses (vintage or otherwise) in Seattle, Vintage and Custom Eyewear seems to have closed its doors for good. Once Located on Olive Way next to B&O Espresso, it seems Seattlites will have to hunt for a new low priced source for alternative eyewear.
It was called Antique & Custom Optical at 1716 east Olive Way. That was my shop. My name is Monty Scheadler and I closed due to the Iraq conflict and big drop in the local economy. The good news is I'm still doing custom eyewear that is now hand made in my own small workshop! We are located in Mainland China.
Contact me at or 86+18122928548 (China Mobile)
Geez I miss Seattle!
I miss Seattle too Monty...SLR