Seattle Wiki

Marriage Equality Now is a grassroots organization based in Seattle that's "dedicated to winning full marriage rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Questioning persons".

The group is open to anyone and currently meets at Seattle Central Community College on Mondays at 7pm (see website for latest information).

This year's March & Rally for Marriage Equality will be on Saturday, March 11, 2006. We will march from Seattle Central Community College (Pine & Broadway) at 12 pm (noon) to Westlake Center (downtown) for a rally at 1pm.

Last Year's March[]

On March 6, 2005 the group organized a successful march to Westlake Center in support of marriage equality. They are currently planning another similar march on March 11, 2006.

External Links[]

Pride 2006[]

  • Booth Shifts